Prof. Dr Daniel Buschek studied media informatics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, where he completed both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees. He then also completed his doctorate at the LMU. After spending time abroad in Finland and Scotland, he eventually returned to LMU before joining the University of Bayreuth in 2019. Here he was a research group leader in the field of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence.

"With my very dedicated PhD students and undergraduates in the team, we were able to build a very successful group studying interaction with AI systems. It's a super perspective on the ground," he says of his work at UBT. "Moreover: science in many disciplines uses more and more digital and AI-mediated tools. Human-computer interaction therefore also has interdisciplinary potential. Bayreuth offers an exciting development environment here, e.g. with currently growing computer science and AI-related fields, strong natural sciences and media/computer game sciences."

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As a professor, Buschek wants to further expand his teaching. "The responsibilities grow with the professorship, for example in academic self-administration," he says. "But general areas of responsibility such as research projects, teaching as well as supervising doctoral students will remain with me." Therefore, Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek also looks positively at his future field of activity. And Bayreuth has long since become home. "The city offers short distances, for example between the attractive and lively old town, the university, as well as nature. I can be active in the office as well as in the countryside in 15 minutes. All of this speaks for Bayreuth in addition to the scientific activity."

Jennifer Opel

Jennifer OpelDeputy Press Officer

University of Bayreuth
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