He works at the interface between materials research and artificial intelligence. "The mixture makes this junior professorship so interesting," says Prof. Dr. Christopher Künneth. He enjoys the research strength of the University of Bayreuth in these two fields, which he himself links in his work. "You can see from the growth how much value the University of Bayreuth places on these two fields," says Künneth. This is one of the reasons why he chose the University of Bayreuth, he says.

Künneth previously worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology as a Feodor Lynen Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Prof. Dr. Christopher Künneth completed his doctorate at the Technical University of Munich, where he had a doctoral scholarship from the German Excellence Initiative. He studied mechanical engineering for his bachelor's degree before completing his Master of Science in micro- and nanotechnology.

At the University of Bayreuth, Künneth not only appreciates the good networking, but the beautiful campus also holds its charms. "You always hear it said, but I'm sure that's really a big advantage: the short distances at this campus make interdisciplinary collaboration easy." Prof. Dr. Christopher Künneth has already initiated the first research projects before he starts work on 15 March. "I have already applied for projects together with several colleagues."

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Jennifer Opel

Jennifer OpelStellvertretende Pressesprecherin, Leitung Campusmagazin UBTaktuell

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