The University of Bayreuth is once again upgrading in the field of artificial intelligence: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bocklitz is coming to Bayreuth as the new Professor of AI in Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Most recently, Bocklitz was head of the department for "Photonic Data Science" at the Leibnitz Institute for Photonic Technologies and at the same time a private lecturer at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Previously, Bocklitz had studied physics before earning his doctorate in Jena and eventually also habilitating in physical chemistry at the University of Jena.

He conducts research in a bio-medical context, focusing, among other things, on machine learning for photonic image data, machine learning of spectral data also known as chemometrics, and the correlation of different measurement methods using data fusion. "At the University of Bayreuth, there are many areas that are already researching with and on artificial intelligence," says Bocklitz. "I see many opportunities for cooperation here, even across faculty boundaries, and I look forward to exchanging ideas with colleagues."

In his previous role, as a private lecturer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bocklitz has already gained several years of teaching experience. In future, he will teach more than before. "I'm looking forward to it, because through teaching you are simply closer to the students and accordingly you can also see how the next generation of scientists is growing up," he says.

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Jennifer Opel

Jennifer OpelDeputy Press Officer

University of Bayreuth
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