"I am looking forward to the new challenges, here in Bayreuth," explains Prof. Dr. Agnes Koschmider in an interview with UBTaktuell. She will take up the professorship for AI-based product and process innovation at the University of Bayreuth on September 1, 2022.

Koschmider comes from Kiel University, where she was a professor of business informatics. Before that, she already held a substitute professorship in Cologne and was a private lecturer at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. She also earned her doctorate there in 2007 and her habilitation in applied computer science in 2015. 

I would also like to use my work to drive digitization in the region. 

Prof. Dr. Agnes Koschmider

Koschmider's research includes analyzing data. "We work across disciplines, for example with data from geography, medicine or materials science," she says. "We want to use data-driven approaches to give new insights into the data, for example by using process chains to identify cause-and-effect chains from the data in as automated a way as possible. All departments have data they would like to have analyzed." When Koschmider talks about "we," she includes students. "For me, research and teaching are closely linked," she says. That's why we involve students in data analysis early on in their studies.

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Prof. Koschmider

Prof. Dr. Agnes KoschmiderProfessorship for AI-based Product and Process Innovation

Jennifer Opel

Jennifer OpelDeputy Press Officer

University of Bayreuth
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Mail: jennifer.opel@uni-bayreuth.de

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