The Uni Open Air is an institution on the Bayreuth campus. Every year, several hundred music lovers come together to celebrate in a familiar and informal way in the NW II courtyard. This year, the one-day festival will take place on 10 June.

The first tickets for the Uni Open Air were already sold in front of the Mensa - even though not all bands had been officially announced at that point. But: The expertise of the Uni Open Air team is well known, because every year the team manages to put together a successful mix of regional bands and up-and-coming artists from all over Germany. It is not uncommon to see bands that played at the Uni Open Air in Bayreuth on significantly larger stages a few years later. In 2019, for example, Zugezogen Maskulin and Blond were in Bayreuth, in 2018 Schmutzki, in 2017 Neonschwarz and last year Paula Hartmann, who will play this year at Splash, Dockville and Highfield Festival, among others.

Bands already announced for this year include Para Sol, Tropikel LTD, Yrrre, Vini Baby, Juno030, Zeck, Humming People and Streaming Animals. Yulika Tsuda, project manager of Uni Open Air 2023 says it's a more relaxed line-up this year. "But definitely danceable," she adds with a laugh. Choosing the bands is a Herculean task every year. "It's a mix of what the team listens to and what's also within the budget," she says. This year, for example, she says, it was difficult to book women.

This year, the Maisel brewery will again be the main sponsor of the Uni Open Air, providing the drinks stand and supplying the beverages. The sale, however, will be taken over by the students. In addition, the food sales will be taken over by the Uni Open Air team this year. "The financial situation of the Uni Open Air is difficult at the moment," says Tsuda. "That's why we're doing everything we can to make a profit, if possible, to send a signal that the Uni Open Air will continue."

Helping hands are still needed for the bar and the sale of food. Anyone interested should contact us via the Instagram account.

Tickets are available online and in the Glass House. Further sales dates in front of the Mensa are also planned.

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Jennifer Opel

Jennifer OpelDeputy Press Officer

University of Bayreuth
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